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  • 天然乳膠+記憶棉,頂級雙享
  • 天絲棉表布3D立體車花
  • 頂級厚三線式獨立筒設計

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2018-04-23 03:00

/ Staff writer, with CNATurkish comedian and TV host Ugur Rifat Karlova said he feels he has become a “real Taiwanese” after getting his Republic of China (ROC) identification card last month under an amended immigration law that allows foreigners with “special talent” to gain citizenship without having to renounce their original nationality.“From now on, no one can call me laowai (老外),” said Karlova, referring to an informal Mandarin word for “foreigner.”“After I got the ID, I felt like a Taiwanese and I wanted to do more things for Taiwan, the future of Taiwan,” said Karlova, 37, one of 23 foreigners who became citizens under the Standards for Defining High-Level Professionals for Naturalization (歸化國籍之高級專業人才認定標準), which went into effect in March last year.“It was a sense of belonging that money can’t buy, a sense of happiness of being at home,” he added.Despite having stayed in Taiwan for only 12 years, Karlova, better known by his Chinese name Wu Feng (吳鳳), said he hopes his naturalization will encourage other foreign residents to contribute more.“I want to tell all foreigners that if you come to Taiwan, you need to cherish the society here,” Karlova said, adding that he wants to send a message to the public that foreigners can create more value for Taiwan, given the chance.Karlova is the host of a TV travel show called iWalker, which won him a Best Host award at the Golden Bell Awards in 2012. He was the first foreigner to win the award.He was recognized by the government for distinguished achievement in the field of art and culture, one of six categories of achievement for which foreigners can retain their original citizenship while receiving an ROC identity card.His naturalization made Karlova the first foreigner to be granted citizenship in that category.One of the biggest benefits of gaining ROC citizenship is that he can express his views about Taiwanese politics, society and culture on what Karlova describes as “more legitimate grounds.”Karlova also feels pressure to live up to this recognition of both his reputation and the international image of Turkey, he said.After graduating from Ankara University’s Department of Chinese and Sinology in 2006, Karlova came to Taiwan on a scholarship and attained a master’s degree in political science from National Taiwan Normal University.He chose Taiwan because his teachers and schoolmates who had previously been to Taiwan had good things to say about it, he said.Karlova entered show business after being invited by a scout to play the late George Leslie Mackay, a respected missionary in Taiwan, in a TV program. He married a Taiwanese woman three years ago and they have a two-year-old child.Karlova said he plans to promote exchanges between Turkey and Taiwan by encouraging more Turkish businesses to invest in Taiwan, inviting YouTubers to come and promote Taiwan and introducing Turkey to Taiwanese.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

無黨籍台北市長參選人李錫錕今(13)日表示,現在台灣 20 到 34 歲的年輕人,有將近一半月薪在 3 萬元以下,他譴責蔡政府對年輕人冷血,在政策制定上偏愛特定資本家。

李錫錕說,勞動部資料顯示,現在大學畢業後的第一份工作起薪平均 23K。他認為,現在物價這麼高,真的叫年輕人不焦慮也難。現在的高學歷,已經不像過去一樣是高收入的保障。

李錫錕指出,在台北,每人平均月支出已超過 28K,相當於新鮮人的平均薪水已不夠在台北生活。他說,現在年輕人要面對的狀況還不只低薪,還包括房價飆漲、青年高失業率、學歷貶值、機器取代人力等問題。所以已經有人說,現在台灣青年的收入,恐怕低於上個世代,努力可能不會有回報。



壽山高中拿下隊史首最HBL乙級冠軍。記者劉肇育/攝影 分享 facebook HBL乙級聯賽女子組今天由來自桃園的壽山高中與花蓮四維高中爭奪后冠,壽山靠著第2、3節僅讓對手拿下10分的嚴密團隊防守,最終以54:35擊敗四維,收下隊史首座冠軍。去年拿下隊史最佳第2名的四維,今年再度挺進四強賽並在首日擊敗小港高中,由於乙級四強賽將帶著8強小組賽對戰成績,所以取得2連勝的四維將四強賽擊敗陽明、同樣拿下2連勝的壽山爭冠。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 在今天的比賽中,四維首節在中鋒陳心強攻禁區、單節就有雙位數得分進帳帶領下,一度取得領先,不過壽山也靠著猛烈的外線砲火以及尹慈昀的穩定供輸下逆轉戰局,中場休息時壽山反倒取得6分領先優勢。雙方易籃後賽況卻風雲變色,四維出現一段長達6分鐘的得分乾旱期,反觀壽山靠著多點開花的攻勢拉出開節13:0的攻勢,將雙方差距擴大到19分,且四維的得分荒還持續到第4節開打後,讓壽山末節再拉出7:0攻勢,取得25分領先,最終壽山就以19分差距收下隊史首座冠軍。「今天小朋友贏球的企圖心很強,但我告訴她們只要把自己本分做好就可以了,今天她們都辦到了。」壽山教練黃綉婷表示,球隊今年北區複賽就曾以超過10分的差距擊敗四維,讓她們對於奪下隊史首冠充滿信心:「今天二、三節我們用防守帶動進攻,進攻端也愈投愈有信心。」去年在全國八強總決賽因左大腿被坐斷,導致無緣參加四強賽的壽山後衛黃瑋婷,今年則是與球隊一同拚戰到最後一刻,並順利圓夢,她說:「其實我下禮拜一就要去開刀拿鋼板,雖然今年因為傷勢問題讓我無法為球隊付出太多,但能夠跟球隊一起圓夢真的十分感動。?



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